Can Teeth Scaling In Downtown Houston Save Your Teeth?

 Having healthy gums means a healthy mouth and smile. Gum disease can cause many oral health problems. Keeping them healthy is necessary to maintain good oral health. Visiting your downtown dental center regularly can prevent unwanted oral health issues.


Many people get affected by gum disease. The early stage of gum disease called gingivitis can be treated. Still, if the infection reaches the periodontal, it can cause problems.


Gum disease is mainly caused by the sticky layer of bacteria, plaque. When plaque is not removed, it forms into tartar, a hardened form of plaque, which can cause inflammation of the gums. This plaque then creates pockets and thus can't be cleaned with regular brushing and flossing. Therefore, you need to visit the dentist for gum cleaning; your dentist will clean your gums through scaling and root planing.


This procedure cleans the gum's deposited plaque and tartar. Therefore, the downtown houston dental saves the tooth of the patient with the help of scaling and root planing procedures. However, if left untreated, gum disease often leads to bone and tooth loss.


Teeth scaling in houston.

The dentist often recommends teeth scaling when you have inflamed gums. Teeth scaling is a deep cleaning procedure that cleans your teeth and gums deeply so your mouth is bacteria-free. Teeth scaling and root planing is a procedure that treats chronic periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. It is a deep tooth cleaning and not regular teeth cleaning.


The procedure may take more than one visit to the downtown dental office. It may also need a local anesthetic, depending on the severity of your chronic periodontal disease and if you have receding gums. Recovery may take time, usually a few days, but may take longer.


After Care Tips From Houston Dentist.

After the teeth scaling and root planing are done, you can take measures to keep your gums healthy and safe. After the procedure, you may take time to heal. Usually, it will take a day to two or more, depending on your case. Your teeth will be sensitive to hot and cold for a week. You may find your gums swelling or feeling tender.


So, you need to take proper care of your mouth and avoid eating too hot or cold foods that can cause discomfort. Your dentist will prescribe pain relief medicine or mouth rinse to prevent infection and help you heal sooner. Your dentist may also put the medication dose directly into the cleaned pocket.


You need to visit your dentist once again; your dentist downtown will then check how your gums have healed and measure the depth of your pockets. If everything is good, you may not need any treatment; if the pockets increase, you may need treatment.


Therefore, you must take care of your mouth at home to keep gum disease healthy and prevent it from becoming more severe. Don't avoid brushing and flossing your teeth twice with a soft brush; clean them daily and have a balanced diet. Visit your dentist regularly.


In Conclusion:

Visiting the dentist in houston texas, regularly is essential for good oral and overall health. Regular dental visits will check your teeth, gums, and overall mouth and ensure they are healthy. Book an appointment with your dentist if you have any complications or pain. Request an appointment Now!


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